Greenhouse Wildlife

Greenhouse Wildlife

We’ve been using our greenhouse for a year now. An abundance of vegetables and flowers is the result. But we have been surprised by the number of small critters that have found their way in there. Butterflies, dragonflies, bees, frogs, and even slugs. We learn something every day.

Turn The Page

Turn The Page

This is our youngest grandchild headed off to her first day of Montessori school. The same school where her grandmother was a teacher and her father a student so long ago. My brain and heart are having a hard time taking it all in.

Hiding In The Peppers

Hiding In The Peppers

We’ve been enjoying a bumper crop of sweet peppers this summer. Today when grabbing a few more, this little guy appeared. We’re not the only ones enjoying those green globes of goodness.

Tiger Lily Lives

Tiger Lily Lives

Our son and his family recently sold their house and moved to a new house here on The Orchard Compound. This lily was growing in the ground at their old place and was near death. So they dug it up and threw it in a plastic bag and brought it here. We threw it in a pot and it has come back to life. Excellent fragrance.