First Tomato

First Tomato

We always try to harvest our first tomatoes on the 4th of July or before. We seldom achieve that. The 7th of July is close enough.

Lovely Lupin

Lovely Lupin

Spring has become our favorite season around here. The Orchard Compound and surrounding area is alive with new growth. Ya, the cottonwood are filling the sky with their seed and pollen covers everything. But the lupin are blooming along with other wildflowers and those we’ve planted. For the moment at least, life is good.

Tremendous Trillium

Tremendous Trillium

King County sent our one of their awesome brush hogs on our road this spring. They really cut back the foliage. Today on our walk we spotted a bunch of trillium. Apparently, all the cutting of brush resulted in a bumper crop this spring. We normally see one or two. This year, many. Quick trillium trivia: one of the alternate names for the plant is toadshade. LOVE that!