Sweet Life
Consuming what you grow is one of life’s greatest pleasures, at least for us.
Consuming what you grow is one of life’s greatest pleasures, at least for us.
We’ve been enjoying a bumper crop of sweet peppers this summer. Today when grabbing a few more, this little guy appeared. We’re not the only ones enjoying those green globes of goodness.
Our son and his family recently sold their house and moved to a new house here on The Orchard Compound. This lily was growing in the ground at their old place and was near death. So they dug it up and threw it in a plastic bag and brought it here. We threw it in a pot and it has come back to life. Excellent fragrance.
Petunia Love – Here on The Orchard Compound we love petunias. One of the flowers we can grow well. Tried some different color combinations this year. Now that the summer heat has arrived in full they’re exploding. Just love that!
We have many insect friends here on The Orchard Compound, especially dragonflies. I’m always trying to snap photos of them but they usually fly off. This little guy perched on a thin piece of metal on our old tractor and stayed still long enough for me to get a shot. But when opened in my photo editor, I found this bug was smiling at me! Weird.
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